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What is the theology of Wes Fryer of Charlotte, North Carolina, and what are his beliefs about God, Jesus Christ, Christianity, faith and “religion?”
I’m Wes Fryer, and I created this page to answer these questions! Learn more about my journey of faith to and with Jesus on my Christian blog, “Pocket Share Jesus.”
updated 12 Jan 2025
I believe:
- God is real and He is holy. God is the Creator of our universe, and He exists both within and outside our human perceptions of time and space.
- God’s first commandment to us is to love Him with all of our heart, mind and soul. His second commandment to us is to love our neighbors as ourselves. (Mark 12:29-31)
- God sent Jesus Christ into the world as a human being, who was both fully human and fully God. I believe Jesus was crucified on a cross and died a human death, but was resurrected by God three days later and lives on. He lived for a time after his resurrection with his followers on earth, and then ascended into Heaven.
- God sent His Holy Spirit at Pentecost to come live with us and teach us, as followers of Jesus. As we pray to God and invite his Holy Spirit into our hearts and minds, the Holy Spirit teaches us and guides us in our lives and our understanding of both God and our world.
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
- God invites us to bring our questions, our frustrations, our confusion and our “real selves” to Him for answers and guidance.
- God invites us to have a personal relationship with Him through his Son, Jesus Christ.
- If we profess faith in Jesus Christ, and repent of our sins, God promises to forgive our sins and grant us eternal salvation. This gift of forgiveness is based not in our ACTIONS and what we do for God, it is a free gift of love and grace that we can receive from God.
- God’s love is for everyone. In all things we should use the example of Jesus as the measuring stick for the morality of our actions.
I am:
- A member of at Caldwell Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.
- A member of the ACE Sunday School class at Caldwell Pres.
- The author of the book, “Pocket Share Jesus: Be a Digital Witness for Christ.”
- The author of the “Heal Our Culture” inquiry project.
I was / have been:
- A regular visitor and worshipper at St Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church in Oklahoma City (Aug 2021 – Aug 2022)
- A regular worshipper at St. Edward’s Chapel Wednesday Eucharist Services at Casady School (circa 2017 – 2022)
- A member and Sunday School teacher at First Presbyterian Church of Edmond, Oklahoma (2006 – 2021)
- A member of our Friday Morning Mens’ group at FPCE, and a member of the leadership team / periodic lesson leader (2006 – 2021)
- An ordained elder in ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (@eco_pres) and an ordained deacon in the Presbyterian Church USA . (Our church in Edmond changed our denomination to ECO after I served as a deacon)
I am NOT:
- A “Christian Evangelical” (as this term was politically construed in 2021)
I share about my faith in God and Jesus Christ:
- On a variety of social media websites
- On periodic webinars like “Bible Verse Visualization with AI”
- Via my book project, “Pocket Share Jesus: Be a Digital Witness for Christ”
- On the website for our adult Sunday School class, “Finding Jesus in Media”
- In this iCloud photo album of Bible Verse InfoPics
- On my Christian blog
- In the wonderful YouVersion Bible app
- Sometimes on YouTube
My YouTube playlists of videos about God, Faith, questions about the Bible, etc. include:
- Questions About God
- Faith and Science (shared for our Sunday School class, “Curiosity and Questions: Jesus and Science”)
- Narrated Sermon Sketchnotes (more info about creating sermon sketchnotes is also available!)
- Confronting Whiteness: My Racial Auto-Biography (“Heal Our Culture” Inquiry Project)
Websites and Podcasts I recommend about Jesus and Christian Faith include:
- The Bible Project
- Matt Whitman and The Ten Minute Bible Hour
- Straight White American Jesus (Daniel Miller and Bradley Onishi)
If you’d like to get in touch with me, you can use this electronic contact form.
Shelly and I spent 6 months searching for a new church home in Charlotte, North Carolina, when we moved from Oklahoma in August 2022. Read more background about that process in my post, “Charlotte Church Hunting (Sept 2022 Update).”
Read more about my beliefs and theology in my August 2006 post, “My journey of faith to Jesus.”