Day After: Next Steps After a Presentation by Wes Fryer

You’ve just learned something from or about Wes Fryer of Charlotte, North Carolina. What’s next?

Follow Wes’ personal social media channels: (+BlueSky & +Spoutible & StoryCorps)

Wesley Fryer
Wes’ bio, vitae & portfolio

Subscribe to Wes’ Substack newsletter on media literacy, access his presentation slides, and check out his upcoming webinars.

Watch a TEDx Talk by Wes

“Cook with Wes!”

Subscribe to one of Wes’ podcasts:

Other less frequently updated podcasts by Wes include “Class with Dr. Fryer”, “Stories of Faith” and “Middle School Voices.”

Check out Wes’ passion projects:
Prepare in Peace – Prevail in Peril” (CC BY 2.0) by Wesley Fryer

Or check out:

  1. PODCASTS Wes subscribes to…
  2. Subscriptions Wes and Shelly currently pay for (and paid for in the past…)
  3. Digital Utilities (web services, apps,etc.) Wes loves
  4. “Learning with Wes” on Reddit
  5. Other websites Wes maintains:
  6. Fryers Funnel Cakes (by Wes and Shelly)
  7. Why Wes is no longer on Twitter! “Meet Me on Mastodon (My “Dear John Letter” to Twitter)” (20 Nov 2023)
  8. Follow 1 or more of Wes’ curated Twitter lists

Watch another presentation by Wes on YouTube:

Check out Wes’ other projects and curriculum:

  1. Wes’ Media Literacy Lessons
  2. “Show with Media: What Do You Want to Create Today?”
  3. Wes’ Media Literacy Resources
  4. Wes’ Space and STEM Resources
  5. Communitarian Prepper
  6. Design – Create – Share: a better framework for teacher lesson planning
  7. “Conversations about Digital Citizenship” (a now-offline website Wes co-created at Casady School as the Technology Integration and Innovation Specialist)
  8. “Curiosity and Questions: Jesus and Science” (Wes’ adult Sunday School class website)
  9. Pocket Share Jesus: Be a Digital Witness for Jesus Christ (Wes’ Christian blog)

Learn more with Wes by:

  1. Reading about Wes’ theology.
  2. Subscribing to his’ Flipboard magazine “iReading” or other magazines on Flipboard he curates
  3. Exploring, a project Wes started with his wife, Shelly.
  4. Reading the Fryer Family Learning blog, “Learning Signs”
  5. Check out an older (but still really cool) “badge-based professional development website” Wes built back in 2013: MacBook Maestro

Archived PD and other event / summer camp websites by Wes include:

  1. EdCampOKC
  2. Minecraft Camp
  3. After-school Scratch Club
  4. Scratch Day and Scratch Camp events in Oklahoma City
  5. iPad Media Camp
  6. Make Media Camp
  7. GCampOKC
  8. After-school STEAM Studio
  9. The K-12 Online Conference
  10. STEM Seeds Camp

Check out Wes’ Christian Writing Projects and Sharing Spaces:

  1. Pocket Share Jesus: Be a Digital Witness for Christ
  2. @pocketshare on Twitter
  3. Bible Verse InfoPics on iCloud

Contact Wes:

  1. Inquire about Wes’ availability to present (virtually or in-person) for your conference or other professional development event
  2. Contact Wes about another topic