Working on governance, risk, and social patterns across federated & decentralized systems. Previously: COVID Tracking Project + Knight Mozilla OpenNews + editorial and community in tech and culture orgs.
I want our tools and networks to be better in more ways for more people in more places.
Mostly offline rn. <3
A multidisciplinary research center at the University of Washington with a mission to resist strategic misinformation, promote an informed society, and strengthen democratic discourse.
We bring you the latest tech news, deep dives and perspectives on topics like AI, social media and innovations. Posts are handpicked by Flipboard's editorial team, especially for Mastodon.
Boosts do not imply endorsement, but are used to highlight posts we think the community might find interesting.
For a lot more tech news, follow Flipboard's federated Tech Desk (@tech)
Get the Flipboard app to explore all your interests in one place:
Header illustration: Data particles above Tokyo at night in cyber space by Hiroshi Watanabe/ Getty
Co-founder and CEO, Flipboard
Interests: #Climbing #Backpacking #Photography #Sailing #ActivityPub #Startups #Design
Journalist covering hate and extremism. I run The Informant newsletter, but it's on hiatus. Living with #LongCovid. Profile photo by Victor G Jeffreys II.
The Informant:
Other places to find me:
Former D.C. news guy in WA (Bellingham & Seattle) | @uwcip assistant director for comms | Transit rider, walker, and swimmer.
NOTE! Stop following us here! and instead start following @creating
When you reply to a new TDC there, your response magically gets added to that specific challenge.
Maybe Jim Groom can explain it better ;-) NOBODY explains the web better than the BAVA.
Emmy-winning producer, AR / VR / AI / ARG expert. Investigating QAnon, disinformation, cults and psychological operations.
Director/writer. Maker of algorithmic theater. #MacFellow. And 3L at #NYULaw.
📖 Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality ✍🏼Researches propaganda, pathological information systems, and adversarial abuse at Georgetown (McCourt School of Public Policy) 🦹🏻♀️ Recurring Twitter Files supervillain
Poynter is a school for journalism and democracy.
Associate Professor (HCDE) at the University of Washington. Co-founder and Director of the Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
Retired Computer Tech/CS Teacher.
Ex-MoE Ed Officer, CS & Tech Ed.
Sec-Treas RCL 138 (Legion).
Chair, OTF Curriculum Forum Steering Cmte.
Past-President, ACSE (Association for Computer Studies Education).
Knowledge ecologist and #mycopunk mapper working and #coop with other #ComplexityWranglers.
Currently building Socialroots, a fractal and #cooperative platform for cross-group communication and coordination to address wicked problems.
Cooperating and coordinating towards better human and planetary health.
Geek. Work IT @ University of Sheffield.
CISO at SentinelOne
Teaching at Stanford
Duke Professor & Founding Director of &, New Book 👆, ✍️NYT, CNN, Wapo, I study #computationalsocialscience, #socialmedia, #polarization, #culture, #socialpsychology
Democracy. Elections. Voting. Tech.
Commentary & analysis.
Likes: Civil society, facts.
Ex-Twitter director for civic integrity.
Board Member, Open Source Election Technology Institute @OSET.
#elections #voting #democracy #disinformation #socialmedia
I am a biology professor at the University of Washington. I study how information flows in biology, science, and society.
I wrote a book: *Calling Bullshit*:
I love ravens and crows.
"If it is interesting, boost it. You are not on Twitter" Political Communication Prof and University Professor of AI & Society w special emphasis on media and democracy U Amsterdam Co-Director @algosoc and AI, Media & Democracy Lab Director of Digital Democracy Centre U Southern Denmark @DDC_SDU #commodon #polcomm #journalism #media #tech #disinformation #AI #democracy 🇩🇰 🇳🇱🇪🇺
Researcher, designer, troublemaker. #DesignJustice, transfeminist technologies, speculative liberatory futures.
Technologist, writer, admin of Fascinated by how new politics impacts technology and vice versa. #fedi22 #indieweb #fediverse
I'm the administrator of this server. is where most of my stuff lives. I make Hometown along with a bunch of other fediverse software (see pinned posts). I'm trying to fix the internet, and some people say I'm at least kind of succeeding. Based in Portland, Oregon, USA. he/him
Infolit guy. Created SIFT. Studies election misinfo and civic digital literacies at
Podcasts tech & gaming.
Le RDV Tech / Le RDV Jeux.
We advance human rights and defend your privacy online through free software and open networks.
Techdirt guy. I once wrote a paper about "Protocols, not Platforms" that seems to be slightly relevant. Also can follow my Bluesky posts at
Co-founder and CEO, Flipboard
Interests: #Climbing #Backpacking #Photography #Sailing #ActivityPub #Startups #Design
Ed.D. Husband, Girl Dad, grandson of an immigrant, teacher, photographer, '08 Missouri TOY, Google Certified Innovator, Legos, Space, Husker/Royals/Chiefs
Formerly ED of National Writing Project, a network of educators teaching writing & media at all grades, in school and out. Now happily retired, married, and loving on my dog. I post from my reading, join conversations, and try to be positive — even when that is the most challenging thing. Based in the Bay Area, CA, US.
My mottos: “Leave the campsite better than you found it.” But also: "If I can't dance, it's not my revolution"
Professor Emeritus at UC Berkeley.
Best-selling author of The ALL NEW Don’t Think of an Elephant.
Co-author of FrameLab newsletter on Substack.
(Account run with help from @gilduran)
Designer: PKWARE Author: The Sketchnote Handbook & The Sketchnote Workbook Illustrator: REWORK, REMOTE, $100 Startup, Little Book of Talent, Culture Workbook, and Honest SEO Founder: Sketchnote Army & host of the Sketchnote Army Podcast Co-creator of The Sketchnote Ideabook Email: and @rohdesign on the socials. #sketchnotes #gopackgo #milwaukee #coffee
Level 55 Halfling Ranger. Lawful Neutral. Side quest addict.
Ex-#Google, ZDNet & GigaOM, currently working at #Wawa.
#Software #Developer in training.
Massive fan of #LiverpoolFC and all things #Beatles: Tattooed with both logos. Fighting off clinical #depression one day at a time since 2011.
Also into #SciFi, #LoTR, #Motorcycles, #Linux, #VideoGames and #Minimalism. No tattoos of those (yet). #Buddhist and #Stoic tendencies.
Posts auto-deleted after 90 days.
Co-founder of the Big Questions Institute, educator, author, speaker, parent
Eric has been in education for over 30 years, and currently serves as a Technology Integration Specialist in Ohio. Eric is a Google for Education Trainer and Innovator, and provides training to schools, organizations, and conferences across the country. He is a co-leader of the Ohio Google Educator Group at and runs the award-winning blog where all of his edtech resources can be found.
I am the Executive Director of Montana Digital Academy, Montana's state virtual school.
I also serve as the Northwest Council for Computer Education Tech-Savvy Administrator and the EdTech Situation Room podcast co-host.
My expertise is in online learning, digital pedagogy, social studies and humanities education, and learning science.
I love to read, learn, and write about it. "The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best." -Epictetus #Quotes #Stoic #mastodon
Read my work online at any of the linked websites below.
Interests: #Reading #Learning #Writing #Edublogging #Edublogger #SciFi #Fantasy #Fiction #NonFiction #dogs #cats #philosophy
Education-Related: #EduTooter #EduBlogger #education #leadership #teacher #science #Wakelet #TechnologyDirector #GoogleEdu #CTO #Texas #OnlineCourseDeveloper #K12 #ScienceOfReading
Other: #CyberSecurity #WordPress #OER #FOSS #FreeSoftware #STEM #STEAM #Panama #RPi #Bilingual #Latino #Latinx
Follow @edutooter group to join.
📖 Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality ✍🏼Researches propaganda, pathological information systems, and adversarial abuse at Georgetown (McCourt School of Public Policy) 🦹🏻♀️ Recurring Twitter Files supervillain
Educational technologist. Gadget geek. Adjunct professor. Presenter. Influencer. Coffee lover.
Follower of Jesus Christ -- Recently retired after 40+ yrs but encouraging teachers w/ creative tech ideas -- Fighting S4 Cancer ! Proverbs 3:5-6 & Isaiah 54:1!
CEO of Aspire Change EDU, award-winning principal, learner, best-selling author, international keynote speaker, learning facilitator, coach | Thoughts are my own.
Prof Marketing NYU Stern School of Business | "insufferable numbskull" according to Elon Musk
Associate Professor, educational leadership, VCU
Berkeley professor, former Secretary of Labor. Co-founder of Inequality Media. Sign up for updates, analysis and drawings:
Failure analysis engineer by day; fan of science, sci-fi, church history, theology, and how Reformed Christian traditions have reflected on social concern. Interests in #climate #humanrights #dinosaurs #reformedtheology #churchhistory #birds #startrek #antislavery
Retired Computer Tech/CS Teacher.
Ex-MoE Ed Officer, CS & Tech Ed.
Sec-Treas RCL 138 (Legion).
Chair, OTF Curriculum Forum Steering Cmte.
Past-President, ACSE (Association for Computer Studies Education).
Looking at the lighter side of life in Canada and Canadian politics.
Duke Professor & Founding Director of &, New Book 👆, ✍️NYT, CNN, Wapo, I study #computationalsocialscience, #socialmedia, #polarization, #culture, #socialpsychology
Consistent underachiever. Digital NDN.
"Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it." (Epictetus)
Founding member of @weareopencoop, author/editor of @thoughtshrapnel, and occasional collaborator with the @bonfire project.
Previously: @mozilla / @moodle / consultant / researcher / teacher
#OpenBadges #OpenRecognition #VerifiableCredentials #DigitalLiteracies #ProductiveAmbiguity #SystemsThinking
Associate Director for Admissions Operations Minerva University. Anti-Racist. Equity-focused. Growth-oriented Husband; father of 3 strange and beautiful children.
Officially? Education person. Spending most of my time thinking about uncertainty. Uncertainly. Office of Open Learning, UWindsor. Often? I do a bunch of carpentry. I love music covers. Also a big fan of cute animal videos.
Mostly complete digital works at and -- I wrote books about tools for thought, virtual communities, virtual reality, smart mobs, taught classes at UC Berkeley & Stanford on digital journalism, social media issues, social media literacies. Now I make art. I'm interested in all of the above & like to follow knowledgeable ppl about current events, science, humor, community. #technology #onlinecommunities #art #socialmedia #learning #edutech
the cloud is our campfire; i like lovely things and connecting dots; author of Intention: Critical Creativity in the Classroom
I teach. I write. I explore. Sometimes, I find my way back.
Educator, instructional technologist, tinkerer, musicmaker, hauler of bootstraps
Dad ⭐️ Educator ⭐️ Substitute Teacher ⭐️ Former 5th grade teacher ⭐️ Shapegrams ⭐️ Iowa
#teaching #education #edtech #googleedu #appleedu #shapegrams #blendedlearning
Educator, runner, geek (especially Atari).
Techdirt guy. I once wrote a paper about "Protocols, not Platforms" that seems to be slightly relevant. Also can follow my Bluesky posts at
Electrical engineer
Marveling at the world
Lots of Martian rocks and landscapes, looking all too familiar, but don't be fooled by that: Mars is an inhospitable toxic planet. Let's not mistake fiction for reality.
I like dirt and rocks, but I Am Not A Geologist (IANAG).
I also do rocky political commentary at times. We are all political animals by nature, according to Aristotle.
cosmographer at university paris-saclay | mapping the universe | co-discoverer of
#laniakea our home supercluster of galaxies | #dipolerepeller a void contributing to the motion of our galaxy | #coldspotrepeller a void associated to the coldest point of the big bang fossil radiation | #southpolewall a giant galactic filament of the cosmic web | #hooleilana the relic of a baryon acoustic oscillation | |
Älter und viel Ex-, z.B. in Sicherheit, Recht, IT, Gewerkschaft und Kultur. Wissenschafts-Süchtiger. Raumfahrt-Interessierter. Radler. Wanderer. Photograph. Vom guten Jahrgang 68.
#Astronomie #astronomy #fedi22 #HeadlineNotNeeded #Raumfahrt #rocketry #Satelliten #science #Space #SpaceFlight #Weltraum #Wissenschaft
Inofficial NASA -> Mastodon Bot
Combining various sources into one.
To boldly go where no bot has gone before!
Award-winning journalist with an eye on Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa as a whole. Reporting mostly for Al Jazeera, elsewhere occasionally. Same handle on Bsky. Inactive on "X."
Fast Company Global Technology Editor. Boy journalist. Bon vivant. Lefthander. Westcoastian.
journalist @404mediaco
Signal: 1-202-505-1702 // email:
research-reporter at ProPublica by day, K-pop fanthropologist by night
ProPublica Reporter
Managing Editor, Platformer. Send me tips: 805-699-5607 on Signal.
Investigative reporter with @ProPublica 's South bureau, covering health care, public health, and the environment. Get in touch at
Wall Street Journal #reporter covering business and tech 📱 Based in #HongKong 🇭🇰 Member, #GKUnion 🧤⚽ Owned by a Desidog 🐕 Twitter: @newley 🐦 My newsletter: 📧 LinkedIn: 💼 My WSJ stories: #journalist #wsj
Investigative reporter for ProPublica based in STL with a focus on Missouri and the Midwest.
Investigative reporter @ProPublica and @texastribune. Austin-based.
Investigative reporter @ProPublica @Texas Tribune.
For tips and story ideas:
Reporter for Mirror Indy, a new nonprofit, community-focused news outlet in Indianapolis. Here infrequently; email me:
Reporter, ProPublica |
Level 55 Halfling Ranger. Lawful Neutral. Side quest addict.
Ex-#Google, ZDNet & GigaOM, currently working at #Wawa.
#Software #Developer in training.
Massive fan of #LiverpoolFC and all things #Beatles: Tattooed with both logos. Fighting off clinical #depression one day at a time since 2011.
Also into #SciFi, #LoTR, #Motorcycles, #Linux, #VideoGames and #Minimalism. No tattoos of those (yet). #Buddhist and #Stoic tendencies.
Posts auto-deleted after 90 days.
California journalist and writer. Ida Tarbell stan. FrameLab (w/@GeorgeLakoff). Beat: tech fascism, billionaire extremism, meta narratives, network state, mirror worlds.
Reporter. Proud @ProPublica, Tampa Bay Times alum.
Reporter covering security at Ars Technica. DM me on Signal: DanArs.82.
@ProPublica #reporter covering #Minnesota and the #Midwest. #Longform devotee. Radio/podcast producer. Send tips: Signal: 612.460.1202 AKA 伍德贞
Data reporter @ProPublica
ProPublica reporter. Email tips/comments/complaints: Signal: Contact us securely:
Health care reporter at ProPublica. 香港人. Reach me at, on Twitter at @CarolineYLChen.
Reporter at ProPublica. Co-author, Unbelievable. Formerly: The Marshall Project, Seattle Times, Chicago Tribune. Law school dropout/honorary doctor. Perturbable.
Owner, Editor in Chief of
I'm the former digital writer for the Columbia Journalism Review
ProPublica investigative reporter. Author of the new book “A Death on W Street: The Murder of Seth Rich and the Age of Conspiracy.” Email me:
Security writer, WIRED. Privacy, data, surveillance, cyber. Keen runner.
Writer for WIRED. Author of SANDWORM. New book, TRACERS IN THE DARK: The Global Hunt for the Crime Lords of Cryptocurrency, out now.
US Technology Columnist, Bloomberg Opinion. Based in New York.
Academic and writer for the New York Times
NYT reporter and author of NYT bestseller, “An Ugly Truth”
National Security Reporter at The Daily Beast. Covering the politics and cascading effects of war, especially Israel-Hamas, Russia's war in Ukraine, and China's growing Taiwan aggression. Obsessed with grey-zone ops, from espionage and sabotage, to disinformation, influence, and hacking, to transnational repression. Formers at CyberScoop and Axios. Send me your tips and thoughts:
Ask for my Signal by messaging 202-681-7032
Security editor, TechCrunch
Signal: +1 646.755.8849 / zackwhittaker.1337
New York, NY
Security Editor at WIRED | Send dog pics and/or leaks
tech reporter for NYT. tell me stories:
Los Angeles 🌴
Former tech journalist who covered Apple for 20+ years (Macworld, iMore), and other tech beats like IT, 5G, and cloud computing. Follow for humor and shitposts. Star Trek fan, '80s music enthusiast, especially New Wave, synthpop and "college radio." Married to @fletchen. Cat lover. @flargh elsewhere, mostly. Personal account. 🖖
Techdirt guy. I once wrote a paper about "Protocols, not Platforms" that seems to be slightly relevant. Also can follow my Bluesky posts at
Email salesman at Platformer and podcast co-host at Hard Fork.
The home of new ideas from the BBC
Driving innovation for BBC News.
This account is part of an experiment from BBC R&D in establishing a BBC presence in the Fediverse. You can read more about this experiment at
The BBC's home of breaking news and sport. Listen on BBC Sounds. This account is part of an experiment with the Fediverse from BBC R&D. We're not currently updating this account.
Our header graphic is an abstract pattern using various curved green shapes from the station's current branding. Our avatar is a simple number 5 against a green background.
Documentaries, news, comedy and drama from the BBC. Listen from anywhere in the world online or in the BBC Sounds app.
This account is part of an experiment with the Fediverse from BBC Research & Development. Read more about it at
Our header graphic is an abstract illustration using geometric shapes in various shades of blue. Our avatar is simple number 4 in white against a blue background.
Connecting curious minds to the community, tools and resources to inspire them. This account is part of an experiment from BBC R&D in establishing a BBC presence in the Fediverse. You can read more about this experiment at
BBC Research & Development - exploring technology for the BBC's future.
This account is part of an experiment from BBC R&D in establishing a BBC presence in the Fediverse. You can read more about this experiment at
Top news and commentary for media professionals, from all around the web.
This account shares top-level Mediagazer headlines. Visit our site for full context.
Top news and commentary for technology's leaders, from all around the web.
This account shares top-level Techmeme headlines. Visit our site for full context.
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News, features and analysis from the World's newsroom.
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UK news, @BBCNews.
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News Relay Bot
News Relay Bot
News Relay Bot
The official Mastodon page for ProPublica.
Pursuing stories with moral force.
News Relay Bot
News Relay Bot
The latest news and more from Rolling Stone magazine and
Breaking technology news, security guides, and tutorials that help you get the most from your computer.
Feel free to send us story tips at
Sometimes a bot, sometimes not.
Independent investigative journalist. Covers cybercrime, security, privacy. Author of 'Spam Nation,' a NYT bestseller. Former Washington Post reporter, '95-'09. Signal: briankrebs.07 Twitter: @briankrebs Linkedin:
Apple, iPhone, iPad, and Mac rumors, news, tips and videos. Tap Follow!
I'm a bot
I am a bot that cross-posts tweets from the Hacker News' Twitter account.
IT Security News for the fediverse, by @emanuel
Cybersecurity weather person and award winning shitposter. Shitposting is an anagram of Top Insights. You may be surprised to know I am not representing my employer here and these are not their opinions.
I have Direct Messages disabled - you can send them, but I will never receive them.
#Science - #Technology - #SciComm - #InfoSec
NSF Astronomical Sciences/Electromagnetic Spectrum Management · Astrophysicist · Engineer · Longtime computer and network enthusiast · Posts are my own.
Independent investigative journalist. Covers cybercrime, security, privacy. Author of 'Spam Nation,' a NYT bestseller. Former Washington Post reporter, '95-'09. Signal: briankrebs.07 Twitter: @briankrebs Linkedin:
Cybersecurity reporter for Risky Business
Philosopher. Educator. Journalist. Programmer. Photographer. Cyclist. Socialist.
Eric has been in education for over 30 years, and currently serves as a Technology Integration Specialist in Ohio. Eric is a Google for Education Trainer and Innovator, and provides training to schools, organizations, and conferences across the country. He is a co-leader of the Ohio Google Educator Group at and runs the award-winning blog where all of his edtech resources can be found.
Technology Integration Specialist for the largest independent high school in the U.S.
Google Certified Educator L1 L2 - Trainer - Innovator #LAX18
ISTE Certified Educator - Community Leader
Always looking for great ideas to innovate-create-inspire.
Mom of 3, always a student myself...
#EdTech #Education #Edutooter #GoogleEDU #GoogleEI #GoogleET #ISTE
LCSW by profession but here are mostly my photos of birds. Had lots of friends on twtr (CAScrubJay); hoping to stay connected over here. Los Angeles CA
Tips through Ko-Fi are appreciated but certainly not expected—you are welcome to enjoy my work at no cost!
Active on Bluesky. Sorry, it's just easier and more intuitive. Birds and taking pictures of birds and other interesting outside things are my hobbies.
#birds #bird #birding #wildlife #photography #nature #BirdPhotography #NaturePhotography #BirdNerd #BirdsOfMastodon #WildlifePhotography #birdwatching
Welcome to Flipboard’s celebration of creativity and visual culture. Focused mostly on art and photography picks, we’re curating imagery that makes you think and/or revel in its interestingness.
#Photography #Art #MastoArt #DigitalArt #FediArt
Get the app to explore all your interests in one place:
Header photo: Silhouette of young woman standing against illuminated and colourful bokeh lights background in the city at night
Designer: PKWARE Author: The Sketchnote Handbook & The Sketchnote Workbook Illustrator: REWORK, REMOTE, $100 Startup, Little Book of Talent, Culture Workbook, and Honest SEO Founder: Sketchnote Army & host of the Sketchnote Army Podcast Co-creator of The Sketchnote Ideabook Email: and @rohdesign on the socials. #sketchnotes #gopackgo #milwaukee #coffee
Los Angeles based multimedia artist, Amy Davis Roth. Creator of Surlyramics ceramic jewelry. I’m also a potter and painter. Dog is love. #art #sciart #clay #ceramics #pottery #painting she/her I post about art, science, my process, my dogs and life. If you’d like me to follow back just say hello. All my shop links, special deals and other places to find me and my art are here:
Consistent underachiever. Digital NDN.